Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Oh, spank me!

Everyone has their favorite feature on someone's body. You know you do. You may not always want to admit it, but you do. Some love a good pair of breasts. Some love a well developed chest or torso, worship those pecs or abs. Me?

Well, I really do love a man's eyes. I do, I swear it. Eyes truly are the windows to the soul and a man's eyes are the first thing I see that attract me. I love it when the Beautiful Boy smiles -- in fact, his eyes really got me when I first met him. Chocolate brown that crinkle when he smiles, twinkle when he laughs. His eyes tell me every mood he has, speak to me of all of his secrets. They are bold and brash, soft and romantic.

But I gotta tell ya, his arse ain't half bad either.Men normally don't have much of a behind, but there are those that have the perfect round globes that just make you shiver inside. You could follow them anywhere -- and I mean that literally.

What I wouldn't give for a bottle of Hershey's syrup right now.

With love,