Friday, July 12, 2013

Hot Blooded...and Proud of It!

I'm sure you've noticed that little disclaimer now, having been added just for this posting. Well, I'm delving into wilder themes, I think. Not everyone appreciates the male (or female) form in all of its glorious vulnerability. So, it's best to give fair warning to those and they can look or not. I also didn't want to lose my new home.

I found this rather well-developed young man and knew in a heart beat that I had to share it with you. I know you'll appreciate his attributes as I do. And of course, we must give credit where credit is due -- Michael Stokes Photography. Go visit his site sometime and let him know how much you love his work.

In the meantime...

My, my. Get your motor running! Why, thank you, Michael. And I think a skinny dip in the pond would be good about now. 

With love,


  1. Aww man, it's not showing up, Siobhan! I only saw the snippit of the image when I went to share it on G+!

  2. I know. Methinks the sex police is blocking it -- it's quite graphic. And the nag screen wasn't working. It is now, but I swapped out the picture for that hottie on the bike.

    I'll send it to you from Facebook.

  3. OH that is VERY nice! I will have to go check out the other. Thank you! ;)
