Tuesday, October 8, 2013

They don't call it "'Tudes Day" for nuthing, you know!

Oh my, that weekend went much too fast. But oh, it was glorious. All of those women in the same place, discussing the glories of writing romance and erotica, stroking the pen with the sexually charged hand that strokes the cock. It was the most amazing experience. My friend, who went with me, was supposed to blog about it -- but neither of us got much of a chance to get to the internet. I hope you can forgive us both.

Beautiful Boy was deep in his element, I tell you. Being tall, well built (yes, there too), and handsome, he got more than a few stares and invitations. Of course, he told them he was mine, but that never stops those who really want something. But then again, he also has model type good looks and the shoulder length auburn hair.  They got plenty of pictures of my beautiful man. I simply stood back and marveled at their good taste.

And so, armed with inspiration and many new ideas, I am back and ready to finish a few stories and a new novel. And then.... Well, we'll see what happens then.

Today's picture is for me, if you will indulge me -- courtesy of Modelspotting (and I do hope you'll go take advantage of their site; they have so many divine pictures). To take me back to my dear men, Rick and Dave, and finish their latest adventure. I hope you'll be reading along with me.

And there he is, so hot and sweaty by the fire. And looks like he's got a hand on the need. Perhaps, he's waiting for Dave to come and address that need. What do you think?

With love,

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